8 Tips for Image Optimization to Boost Your SEO Efforts

8 SEO Tips Image Optimization

Visual content is an integral part of today’s website. After all, the first impression matters in the digital realm, with more than 94% of internet users claiming to determine the credibility of a business with the way their website looks at first glance. 

But did you know that images also drive more traffic to your website? In fact, Google generates more than 1 billion image searches per day. However, the addition of images on a website is pretty much futile if you fail to prioritize their optimization. 

What is SEO Image Optimization?

Image optimization is generally the process where both - Google and users can effectively view and interact with your visuals. It involves preparing and modifying images to an optimal size, format, dimension, and resolution according to the user’s device. This ensures your website loads seamlessly for the viewers so they can enjoy a smooth browsing experience.

The image optimization strategy also includes using descriptive terms to define the pictures. These will make it easy for search engine algorithms to understand the visuals and rank them accordingly. 

Image SEO - Image Type

Does the Type of Image Matter for SEO and User Experience?

Every marketer puts in the effort to choose the most relevant and high-quality pictures for their marketing project. And original images are usually their preferred source for producing high-quality visuals, as these are customized specifically for their brand. They are also under the misconception that real pictures perform better than stock photos.

However, that is untrue!

Stock photos are a helpful resource, especially if you are low on budget and time. You will find numerous websites offering free or affordable images. They are also available in various categories, allowing users to choose pictures they may be unable to gather due to geographical limitations. Plus, the type of picture you choose doesn’t matter for SEO and user experience as long as the visuals are:

  • Relevant to your brand audience, message, and tone. 

  • High-quality and nice to look at. 

  • Not overused (use the Reverse Image Search or TinEye to verify the sources where your selected pictures have been used).

  • Free from copyright restrictions.

  • Optimized according to the best SEO practices. 

Image SEO Tips

Best Strategies for Image Optimization

Now, let’s look at the best strategies for image optimization that can significantly improve your website’s visibility, performance, and user satisfaction. 

1. Add Suitable File Names

Whether you have a custom picture from your smartphone, a professionally-shot picture, or a stock image, you will notice that they are all saved under a default file name, such as ‘IMG_87904’ or ‘DSC_49085.’ A file name like this will not be helpful for your SEO efforts.

Therefore, change every image you upload on your website with descriptive and appropriate file names. Also, avoid using generic file names like ‘beach’ and ‘car.’ Instead, be specific with the file names (i.e., ‘beach-with-beautiful-sunset’ or ‘red-sports-car’).

2. Choose the Right Image Format

Images are typically saved in three main formats: JPEG, PNG, and GIF. The right choice between the three will determine your image loading speed and quality.

Here is an overview of the image formats:

  • JPEG is the most popular image format with small file sizes and quality results. It supports lossy compression, which eradicates some unimportant data from the picture when you reduce the file size. 

  • PNG is ideal for pictures with transparent backgrounds, logos, charts, and illustrations. Their file size is heavier. However, they benefit from lossless compression, which maintains the file data regardless of the changes you make. 

  • GIF is a good choice for simple pictures and animations. It also uses lossless data techniques. 

You can easily save the selected pictures in any format discussed above using your default photo editing tool. 

3. Compress the Picture

Internet users enjoy a fast-loading, user-friendly website. In fact, they don’t want to wait more than 3 seconds for a page to load and will move away to another site if you test their patience with a sluggish design. 

And the biggest culprit of such websites is the heavy image files. To reduce the weight, you must run your image through tools like TinyPNG, Optimizilla, WP Smush, and PhotoShop.

4. Add Alt Text

Alt Text is another critical component of image SEO. They help describe the content of your image to search engine algorithms, improving your chances of appearing in relevant queries. The text also appears in place of the images when a user views your webpage through a screen reader. 

Be as descriptive as possible when writing the Alt text or alt tag. Imagine you are explaining the picture to a visually impaired person. For example, a picture of a boat can be precisely described as ‘A white powerboat with the name Albatross.’ 

5. Add Images to Sitemap

Google recommends creating a sitemap for all the files on your website, including images. You can either upload the list of pictures to your existing (content) sitemap or create a new one exclusively for the visuals. This helps the algorithms identify and index your visual files appropriately. 

Make sure to include all the details of your images, including the type, subject, geographical location, title, license, etc. The detailed data will increase your page’s visibility and discoverability. 

6. Include Captions

Website visitors usually scan the content on your page. However, captions appear right below your pictures and are usually read thoroughly. So, include detailed information about the picture in your captions. Also, inform the audience how the photos relate to the text on your webpage. 

Suppose you have a picture of an abandoned house. The most suitable caption would be ‘abandoned house.’ But what about ‘an abandoned house sitting on the hills of rural Spain.’ 

Which one is more descriptive, attractive, and engaging? Surely, the latter is more captivating for an audience interested in the house and Spain’s culture.

7. Use a CDN

A CDN or a Content Delivery Network is a group of servers geographically distributed to help deliver content nearest to the viewer’s physical location. By speeding up the response time, images (and other elements) become quickly accessible on the visitor’s screen. This increases their experience with your webpage, encouraging them to stick longer. 

CDN providers are now easily available online and are a popular method for improving load times. If you are unsure about the page load speed, check out the analysis on Google PageSpeed Insight Tool. This will inform you about the page speed along with factors disrupting the load time, enabling you to make informed decisions about your website. 

8. Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

Today's visitors use different devices and screen sizes to view your website. You must ensure they receive the same browsing experience on every screen type they choose. Failure to achieve mobile-friendliness can result in a low bounce rate and reduced conversions. 

Creating responsive media files is the simplest way to make your pictures mobile-friendly. This will automatically scale the size of the image according to the selected device. 


Images are a staple addition to any website. They are either used for decorative purposes or to convey a message. But irrespective of their use, it is necessary to adjust the pictures according to the best SEO practices to increase the satisfaction of Google bots and users. 

Follow the above tips and optimize your images to boost your SEO efforts. Or contact our SEO experts for a complete website optimization plan. 


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